Make Your Writing Shine

  • I am ACES-certified editor with over 10 years experience writing and editing for public and professional audiences.

  • I am an award-winning screenwriter and 2022 Fellow in the Women in Film and Video Narrative Script Development Fellowship, with multiple placements in screenwriting competitions.

  • I am a voracious reader with keen editing and proofreading skills who can get your manuscript ready for publication.

  • Send me information on your project and we’ll figure out how to collaborate!

Line Editing

When you’re looking to improve your writing, I provide in-line comments and edits to improve the clarity, style, and flow of a manuscript at the sentence and paragraph level. This service involves a deep dive into the manuscript's language, ensuring that each sentence is clear, concise, and well-structured, while also maintaining your unique voice and style.

Beta Reading

When you’re ready to test your work with your reading audience, I will work closely with you to provide feedback on your manuscript before publication. I will provide an honest and critical assessment of a manuscript's strengths and weaknesses, with a focus on plot, character development, entertainment value, enjoyability, and overall readability.


When your work is nearly ready for publication, I provide in-line comments and edits to identify any remaining errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Developmental Editing

When you’ve finished your draft, I will work closely with you to refine and develop the structure, style, story, characters, plot, pacing, and themes to ensure a coherent and engaging narrative.

Citation Check

For academia, policy work, and manuscripts, I conduct a thorough review of references and citations to ensure they are properly formatted, cross-referenced, and hyperlinked, and confirm they adhere to the required citation style guidelines.

Copy Editing

When your work needs a polish, I provide in-line comments and edits to identify things that will turn off your reader, like overused passive voice and unclear sentence structure, as well as ensuring consistency in style and formatting.


As an ACES-certified editor with over ten years experience writing and editing for a variety of audiences, I can help you take your professional and creative writing to the next level.

Reach out to discuss ways we can collaborate.